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Other Creative Works 

Here you will find some of my other creative works. Expanding experiences, desires and creativity.  

"Talk to me "
Lighting Installation

Collaboration Between Artists Monica lim and Giovanna Yate Gonzalez

Installation and connection of sound and lighting. 


3 July 2021 - 1 November 2021

Homestead Gallery 


Video Collaboration

Collaboration Between Video Artists Paul Fletcher and Giovanna Yate Gonzalez

Different videos / animation/ dance / projection 


1: Collaboration project with Animators local and around the world as part of the 60th anniversary of the Association Internationale du Film d’Animation (ASIFA) for International Animation Day 2020


Other Videos are experimentation by Paul



"Emanation "
Lighting Installation

By Giovanna Yate Gonzale

Installation inspired in the Human AURA.

Tech Lab

VCA. University of Melbourne


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